Why Choose B&B?
EXPERIENCE: our raters have nearly a century of experience analyzing PD
SAVINGS: pay only what you owe on cases where the doctor has misapplied the AMA Guides
- Doctors overstate WPI in excess of 80% of the time
- Our expert raters have analyzed tens of thousands of reports
- We've identified millions of dollars in potential PD savings
- Reports can take you hours to analyze (our expertise dramatically speeds the process)
- AMA Guides is difficult to properly apply (our analysis guarantees correct ratings)

Some benefits our rating dept offers:
- Obtain reserve documentation of projected PD, even prior to MMI/P&S report
- Obtain LifeTime Benefit calculations, to include COLA projections
- Negotiate settlements with full knowledge case's true value
- Prepare effective doctor letters to obtain accurate reports
- Be fully armed for doctor, applicant and DEU depositions
- Draft powerful points and authorities
- Prepare for "adequacy hearings"
- Obtain expedited answers to your questions by phone or email
Three levels of Analysis to Meet Your Needs:
We rate the doctor’s report based on the WPI opinion provided by the doctor. We make corrections to any errors in the report regarding reading values from the Figures and Tables in the Guides; correct math and combining errors. We apply apportionment.
- One Rating String; up to 20 pages = $95 (flat rate)
- More than one Rating String and/or more than 20 pages = $250 per hour
We rate reports based on WPI provided by the doctor, correct errors resulting from a misreading of Figures and Tables in the Guides; correct math and combining errors and apply apportionment.
We notate doctor’s WPI opinions, without complex detail or review. For example, for a right wrist assessment applying and right grip loss, we would guide you to instructions on page 508 of the Guides observing that use of grip strength with motion loss is improper.
- $250 per hour
Detailed analysis of each impairment assessment offered by the doctor. Clinical findings documented in the report are correlated with instructions, Figures, and Tables in the Guides. Applicable instructions from the Guides are referenced.
TWO Sets of Ratings are provided based on:
- doctor’s recommendations
- our critical analysis documenting errors and providing corrections
- $250 per hour
Questions? Send any inquiries to: ratings@bradfordbarthel.com