Training Topics
- 132a
- 2005 Permanent Disability Rating Schedule
- ADR Advantage
- Affirmative Defenses
- AMA Based Permanent Disability Ratings
- AMA Guides – Carpal Tunnel; Ear, Nose & Throat; Red Flags & Tricks of the Trade; Nervous System; Upper Extremities; Lower Extremities; Spine
- Apportionment
- Arousal & Sleep Disorders
- Attacking Psyche Reports
- Attorney Fees
- Bifurcation
- Case Law Updates
- COLA Benefits
- Commutations
- Continuous Traumas
- Death Benefits
- Deposition Testimony
- Doctor Depositions
- Employment – Who is (and who ain’t) an Employee
- Factual Denials
- FEHA (Fair Employment & Housing Act)
- IBR (Independent Bill Review)
- Large Loss Cases
- Lien Handling
- Med-Legal Expenses, Liability & Penalties
- Medical Billing Issues
- MPNs
- Negotiating Settlement
- Obesity, AMA & Disease
- Opioids
- Permanent Disability Rating Issues
- Post-Termination Defense
- Preparing for Trial
- Pro Per Evaluations & Settlements
- Psychiatric Injuries
- Public Benefits & Government Entities
- QME Regulations
- Rating Permanent Disability
- Recons & Writs
- Serious & Wilful Misconduct Claims
- Settlement Documents
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Social Security/Medicare
- Statute of Limitations
- Subpoenas – How to Respond
- Subrogation – Introduction and Advanced
- Surveillance
- TD Caps & Exceptions
- To Writ or to Recon
- Trial Time